Hotel Bymose Hegn
Digital buffet signs make everyday life easier for both guests and staff at Hotel Bymose Hegn
Hotel Bymose Hegn has significantly improved their guest service by implementing digital buffet signs from Delfi Technologies. These innovative signs ensure that guests always receive updated information about the day’s menu and allergens, resulting in significant time savings for the staff.
Digital buffet signs offer a range of benefits that can enhance both the guest experience and staff workflows – a solution that Hotel Bymose Hegn has embraced to ensure that information about the day’s menu and allergens is always up-to-date.
With central administration of updates and wireless updating of the signs, the digital solution helps reduce errors and provide accurate information. For guests, this means quick and easy access to important information about the food, contributing to an improved overall experience.
"It has really been a lifesaver with the digital buffet signs. Especially at events where we often receive long lists of allergens. Now, our waiters and chefs no longer need to worry about what guests can eat, as it is always displayed on the signs."
A time-saving solution for guests and staff
Guests at Hotel Bymose Hegn no longer need to ask the staff about allergens or ingredients, reducing interruptions and allowing the staff to focus more on their primary tasks, such as cooking and serving. The staff also no longer need to create handwritten signs or manually update menu boards.
– It has really been a lifesaver with the digital buffet signs. Especially at events where we often receive long lists of allergens. Now, our waiters and chefs no longer need to worry about what guests can eat, as it is always displayed on the signs, says Allan Mikkelsen, Restaurant Manager at Hotel Bymose Hegn.
The digital signs are automatically updated with new information as soon as the staff adds or changes the menu. Hotel Bymose Hegn uses these signs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the restaurant, as well as at events where there are typically special menus and considerations for allergens.
– Previously, guests had to ask the waiters what they could eat from the buffet. The staff therefore had to run back and forth to find out which dishes the guests could eat and which they should avoid, explains Allan Mikkelsen.
Now, the digital signs handle this task for the waiters, and according to the Restaurant Manager, the benefits are clear:
– We can effectively save one waiter per shift because we no longer need to spend so much time being available and helping guests with questions that the signs now assist us with.
A Better Guest Experience
Hotel Bymose Hegn has improved both the guest experience and staff workflows with the help of Delfi Technologies’ digital buffet signs. The signs also provide a modern and professional appearance. The content can be easily customized with the desired branding and theme. Additionally, the signs offer great flexibility, as they can be easily changed for menu updates or special events.

About Hotel Bymose Hegn
Hotel Bymose Hegn is a classic hotel located in the picturesque surroundings of Helsinge. Today, the hotel is a popular course and conference center situated in Gribskov, in the heart of National Park Kongernes Nordsjælland’s scenic landscape, offering direct access to the forest and expansive skies.
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