Complete control of packages at the central warehouse
At Solar in Vejen (Denmark) a 45,000 m² automated central warehouse is located, using an advanced distribution system with high delivery safety. An effective flow at the warehouse is crucial for the daily handling of the enormous amount of items that go through the system. Therefore, Solar has introduced a barcode solution, which provides the opportunity to make digital documentation and complete control of the package flow.
The central warehouse in Vejen is the logistical hub for delivery of electricity, plumbing and ventilation solutions to Solar’s customers and Solar’s own stores in Denmark. More than 215,000 article numbers are part of the product range in the central warehouse to be able to meet the needs of the many different customers. Apart from the shipping of items, Solar has also established an expedition center at the central warehouse, where the installers themselves can come and pick up preordered items. In this way, Solar can offer their customers a faster and more efficient delivery of items.
An important element in the package flow is the documentation of when a package leaves the warehouse. When a customer comes and picks up a package, it is necessary to document that the delivery actually has taken place. If somebody then should wonder where one of the packages should be, it should also be possible to go back and search in the history. Therefore, Solar researched the possibilities of introducing digital documentation, which is much faster and more efficient in the daily handling of packages.
– When an installer arrives and collects a package, he needs to sign for the package. You can do this by placing a signature on a piece of paper. But we are very digital in many of our processes because we need to be as effective as possible. Therefore, it was also natural to implement a digital barcode solution for documentation of package deliveries, says Kristian Duch, Director – Group Supply Chain / Group Transport at Solar A/S.
"We are very digital in many of our processes because we need to be as effective as possible. Therefore, it was also natural to implement a digital barcode solution for documentation of package deliveries."
Kristian Duch has been a part of a wide range of digital projects with focus on efficiency improvements at Solar. In a majority of the projects, a barcode solution is an essential tool and a great help in the overall solution. Based on an existing partnership with barcode- and scanning solutions, the choice felt on Delfi Technologies, when it came to choosing a supplier and the right solution for ‘Proof of Delivery’ (PoD).
Solar chose to implement a solution with mobile PDA’s, with built-in barcode scanner and an online app installed that gives the opportunity to conduct the digital documentation when the delivery of packages takes place. In that way, Solar gets the necessary overview of packages that leave the system and can quickly and easily go back to see the specific status of the individual packages.
– As soon as an installer gets a package delivered, the barcode on the package is scanned and the signing of the packages takes place. It could also be delivery of a package to a courier who is only booked for the pickup of the package. With the barcode solution, we register the delivery of packages in any case. That gives us the opportunity to document the entire process, Kristian Duch explains.
The digital documentation provides value to the central warehouse, where processes that are now more efficient are one of the benefits. In Solar’s own stores, it is also possible for a customer to come and pick up items in case it has not been possible to make a delivery – or if it just makes more sense for the customer to pick up directly in one of the stores. In this case, it would be obvious to take the solution from the central warehouse and implement in the stores, explains Kristian Duch:
– With the barcode solution, we handle the necessary digital documentation in our central warehouse. We are constantly looking into new areas where we can digitize processes so that we can help our customers to be even more effective. It could be in our own stores where a customer also can pick up a package – for example if he or she may work in the field and therefore it does not make sense to get the package delivered at home or at a company address.
For Solar, it was crucial that Delfi Technologies could offer an online solution with Android-based PDA’s that are both robust and fast. This means that Solar can access a browser directly on the devices.
– With the Android solution, we can be online all the time and make registrations directly in our system. With this solution, we are geared for the future. At the same time, there is a good relationship between price and quality – this is certainly also all right, Kristian Duch concludes.
Solar Danmark A/S is part of the Solar Group, which is one of Europe’s leading sourcing and service companies. Solar Danmark A/S offers a wide range of electrical, plumbing and ventilation products and is one of Denmark’s leading and most modern companies in its field. Solar Danmark has its head office and central warehouse of 45,000 m2 located in Vejen, as well as 4 competence centers and 7 service centers centrally located in Denmark.

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