

Since 1988, we have helped a wide range of companies to streamline work processes. On this page you can see our references - solutions we are proud of. You will find a selection of solutions for customers in various industries.

Digital price tags at POCO

POCO uses ESLs: Digital price tags benefit customers and employees. Over the past few years, digital price tag or electronic shelf label (ESL) technology has improved considerably, especially in the area of visual display. Recently furniture discounter Poco has started to use...

Electronic shelf labels at Danish Coop

Delfi's Breece solution with electronic shelf labels has already been implemented in more than 300 Coop stores at the following brands; Kvickly, SuperBrugsen, Dagli’ Brugsen and Irma. With the new roll out, Kvickly will complete its installation of electronic shelf labels in...

Label items electronically with Breece System

"Transparent information makes customers feel much more respected in their desire to get the best price," says Cyrill Schwarzer at Foto Koch - a consumer electronics retailer in Germany. Thanks to Breece System and electronic shelf labels, 'Foto Koch' can...

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