New store concept with electronic price tags – merges physical stores and web shop together
The tele company, Telia Danmark, has gone from changing prices manually every time a product or price change occurred, to have a fully automated cloud solution with electronic shelf labels – something which helps to merge the chain’s physical stores and web shop together.
In a competitive market, which requires responsiveness and efficiency, Telia has to be constantly awake when it comes to marketing and pricing. Therefore, Telia is always looking for innovation to enhance its stores and create new business opportunities.
Telia has initiated a major modernization of its store network and change of the store design. Besides reinforcing the Telia store concept, the new design will also help to strengthen the good customer service. Customer service is in focus when Telia, as part of the new store design, also is in the process of introducing the cloud-based Breece solution with electronic shelf labels in the chain’s 52 stores.
"With electronic shelf labels and cloud solution we guarantee that the customer gets the same price in our physical stores as online. This gives our customers a consistent experience - across all channels"
The rollout of the electronic shelf labels in the Telia stores has begun and happens through Breece Cloud, which only requires an internet connection and a wireless ESL antenna to get started. The wireless antenna is used to transmit data to and from the electronic price tags. The shelf labels are updated from Telia’s head office, which manages the physical stores as well as the web shop
– It has been incredibly easy to get started. We just had to connect the antenna and link our products to the signs – everything happens online and product information comes directly from the head office, says John satisfied.
More time for customers
The solution has already released more time to the staff, who previously spent many resources on changing prices manually – this time can now be used on customer service instead.
– It is nice to have the electronic price tags when you continuously update prices. When price updates happen at the head office, they will also be updated on the wireless price tags in the store. This means that we always have updated prices at the shelf. Before we had to print and change the new price tags ourselves. It takes a lot of time from the customers and we can use that time much better now, says Martin Larsen, employee at Telia, Købmagergade in Copenhagen.
Since the electronic price tags are wireless, the store has a great freedom to place and mount the signs. As part of the new store design, Telia has chosen to integrate the signs directly in the store’s tables where phones and tablets are presented. In addition, the signs are mounted on accessories and other equipment.
– The electronic shelf labels are included as a natural element of our store concept, John says, who also believes that the Breece solution participates to lift the stores and create the professional expression that Telia strives for.

Eftersom de elektroniske prisskilte er trådløse har butikken en stor frihed til placering og montering af selve skiltene. Som en del af det nye butiksinteriør, har Telia derfor valgt at integrere skiltene direkte i butikkens borde, hvor telefoner og tablets er præsenteret. Derudover er skiltene monteret på mobiltilbehør og andet udstyr.
– De elektroniske prisskilte indgår som et naturligt element i vores butikskoncept, fortæller John afslutningsvis, som også mener, at Breece-løsningen er med til at løfte butikkerne og skabe det professionelle udtryk, som Telia stræber efter.
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