Big ambitions at danish toy chain
The owner of the Danish Kids Coolshop in Vordingborg and Næstved is moving fast. The toy store has just opened a new giant warehouse for the webshop and the physical stores. Electronic shelf labels have also been implemented to ensure competitive prices in the physical stores. But it does not stop here.
Nickolai Jørgensen, owner of Kids Coolshop in Vordingborg and Næstved, is the 4th generation to run the toy business in the family. 10 years ago, he started a small webshop ( in the parents’ toy store. Since then, a lot has happened, the webshop has grown and many more staff members have been added to the team.
5 years ago, Nickolai Jørgensen bought his parents’ toy store in Vordingborg and in 2019 he expanded with a new store in Næstved. At the same time, several new initiatives are on the way and there are big ambitions for the future. Most recently, the toy store has opened a new giant warehouse for the webshop and the physical stores. At the same time, Nickolai Jørgensen is expanding once again and will soon open a new toy store in Nykøbing.
In addition, the Næstved store is facing a proper upgrade, as the store will move to a large new shopping center, which is currently being built in Næstved. Here, Kids Coolshop will make Denmark’s coolest toy store. The new building project will help boost Næstved’s position as a trading town.
"As a customer, you want to buy things at the right price, and we want to help them with that in Kids Coolshop. That is why electronic shelf labels have been added to our branded products in the stores. The prices are linked to"
Nickolai Jørgensen runs his Kids Coolshop stores independently, but is part of, which is the North’s largest webshop within games, toys, gadgets, housing and much more. In this way, he – and the other stores in the Kids Coolshop chain – can offer a large selection of toys at competitive prices.
Nickolai Jørgensen also wants to give customers the opportunity to shop locally and at the same time get Denmark’s best prices on Lego, Barbie etc. at the shelves in a physical store. That is why Kids Coolshop in Vordingborg and Næstved has teamed up with the IT company Delfi Technologies on electronic shelf labels.
– As a customer, you want to buy things at the right price, and we want to help them with that in Kids Coolshop. That is why electronic shelf labels have been added to our branded products in the stores. The prices are linked to This means that when the prices are adjusted at the webshop, the prices are also automatically adjusted at the shelves in the stores. That is smart, says Nickolai Jørgensen.
In addition to Vordingborg and Næstved, several of Nickolai Jørgensen’s colleagues in Kids Coolshop have also adopted electronic signage, as it gives the stores the opportunity to ensure a greater interaction between webshop and the physical store shelves. At the same time, the stores will have the opportunity to react faster and adjust products and prices as needed.
Nickolai Jørgensen explains that it sends some positive signals to the customers when you also can ensure the best pricing in the physical stores. Therefore, he also expects to expand the use of electronic shelf labels in the future.
– There is a clear advantage in electronic shelf labels when it comes to handling products and prices in a webshop while you also are running several different stores. We achieve a significant gain by being able to manage prices and campaigns, in the same way – across all channels, he explains.
Nickolai Jørgensen has high expectations for the future with the opening of a new store in Nykøbing and the new Kids Coolshop flagship store in Næstved, which will be an upgrade on all parameters with experiences beyond the usual. Here, new concepts will be tested and customers can expect a ‘wauw effect’ when the new store opens in 2022.
Kids Coolshop is Denmark’s new toy chain. The first stores opened under the Kids Coolshop brand in 2017 and there are 14 large toy clothing stores in the chain today. The strong e-commerce engine is behind Kids Coolshop, which ensures the chain large purchasing volume through joint purchasing. In this way, Kids Coolshop can be the first with the very latest toys and at the same time reach extremely fast to new trends.
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