Electronic signage in the supermarket and at the office
As a result of the electronic shelf labels that have been implemented in the majority of Dagrofa’s supermarkets in Denmark, the concept has now expanded to include room signage at the office in Ringsted. The concept with ‘room signage’ works exact as in the supermarket – the name, department or room number can be changed in seconds, just like the prices in the supermarket.
For a long time, Dagrofa has been using electronic shelf labels – also called Breece System – in the majority of their supermarkets. René Severinsen, who is IT Product Owner at Dagrofa, therefore proposed, in the early summer of 2017, that Dagrofa also should use the concept of electronic signage for their many offices and meeting rooms in the administration.
– In the past, we have been using foil on all office doors where the names of the employees in that office where printed. It was a relatively expensive solution and it required an external company to do the graphic work. In a big house like ours, we frequently have people changing departments and someone sitting in project groups elsewhere in the house periodically. In addition, there is also a natural rotation, where some employees leave the house and new ones start. To keep track of employees and the geographical location, it requires a very flexible solution and Breece System offers that, says René Severinsen, who is responsible for the office signage in the administration.
Simple solution with big benefits
Over the years, the task of changing the film every time an employee changing room or a new started was not maintained. This meant they couldn’t really trust that names on the foil were correct. Lack of trust and the relative cost-heavy task, got René and the IT department to look at other solutions.
“We looked at iPads and similar screens, as we wanted an electronic solution, but the economic costs and complexity did not match the relatively simple solution with great benefits that we were looking for. I contacted our partner within electronic displays, Delfi Technologies, and together we worked on a viable solution. We chose from experience and the possibility of only having to develop a bit and reuse the ‘electronic price labels’ concept we already knew from our stores, says René Severinsen.
To the right of all offices and meeting rooms in the Dagrofa building is an large electronic sign mounted with local number, department and name. There is room for four names on each sign. At group offices where there are more employees than four, there are two signs.
Up in the right corner on all the signs, is the red recognizable Dagrofa logo, which ensures internal branding and consistency.
...For at holde styr på medarbejdere og den geografiske placering, kræver det en meget fleksibel løsning og det har vi fået i Breece System, fortæller René Severinsen, der er ansvarlig for kontorskiltningen i administrationen.
Vedligeholdelsen er minimal
Hos Dagrofa kører alt via google-platform og der bruges et simpelt google-regneark, til at lave ændringer i kontorskiltningen. Arket ligner alle andre regneark og har kolonner med navn, afdeling og lokale nummer. Når man fx har ændret lokalenummer eller navn i regnearket, så opdaterer serveren arket og ændringerne bliver automatisk opdateret på skiltene.
Næste projekt er, at gøre skiltene ved mødelokalerne brugbare og samtidige sikre det visuelle udtryk.
René har allerede lavet en prototype med de informationer som er i spil. På prototypen er der gjort plads til mødelokalenummer, navn på mødeleder og tid for mødeinterval.
Electronic signage is spreading
It is not only Dagrofa, which uses the ‘electronic signage’ solution in other areas than retail. A large number of industrial companies, housing companies and hospitals have installed electronic signage. All solutions are tailored to the needs of each company or institution.
Elektronisk skiltning breder sig
Det er ikke kun Dagrofa, som bruger løsningen ’elektronisk skiltning’ i anden henseende end detailhandlen. En lang række industrivirksomheder, boligselskaber og sygehuse har installeret elektronisk skiltning. Alle løsninger er tilpasset den enkelte virksomhed eller institutions behov.
– I princippet kan vores meget enkle Breece System løsning, som oprindelig er udviklet til detailhandlen, bruges i mange forskellige sammenhænge og i en bred vifte af brancher. Løsningen er nem at installere, vedligeholde og er driftsikker. Den er prismæssigt også meget konkurrencedygtig, fortæller Benjamin Bjerregaard, Sales Area Manager, som har fungeret som primære kontakt for Dagrofa i snart to årtier.
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